Air Conditioning FAQ’s

What size air conditioner do I need?

For a precise assessment, a technician will need to do an on-site check. However, the following table does provide a guideline:


Room Size  Air Conditioner Size
 15 to 18 m²  9 000 BTU
 20 to 25 m²  12 000 BTU
 30 to 35 m²  18 000 BTU
 40 to 45 m² 24 000 BTU
 55 to 60 m²  30 000 BTU
 Larger Areas  The technician to advise


* Multiply the length of your room by the width to get the total meters squared.

What is the difference between the R22 and R410a refrigerants?

R22 has been the refrigerant of choice for residential heat pump and air-conditioning systems for more than four decades.

The release of R22, such as those from leaks, contribute to ozone depletion. In addition, R22 is a greenhouse gas and the manufacturing of R22 results in a by-product (HFC-23) that contributes significantly to global warming.

As the manufacturing of R22 is phased out over the coming years as part of the agreement to end production of HCFCs, manufacturers of residential air conditioning systems are offering equipment that uses ozone-friendly refrigerants, one of these substitutes is R410A.

As a result if your system ever leaks, the escaping refrigerant won’t contribute to ozone depletion.

What is the difference between an inverter and a standard air conditioner?

A non-inverter (standard) is a basic model which operates at a fixed speed, simply controlling temperature by switching on/off alternately. This is the most commonly sold unit and are significantly cheaper to buy but consume up to 40% more electricity.

Alternatively, a more sophisticated ‘inverter’ has a variable-speed compressor which constantly regulates to the desired temperature – a more economic method of operation and A-graded for energy-efficiency. Although costing more to buy, inverters offer a wise long-term investment.